
Cursor Movement

h - Move cursor left

j - Move cursor down

k - Move cursor up

l - Move cursor right

gj - Move cursor down (multi-line text)

gk - Move cursor up (multi-line text)

H - Move to top of screen

M - Move to middle of screen

L - Move to bottom of screen

w - Jump forwards to the start of a word

W - Jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)

e - Jump forwards to the end of a word

E - Jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation)

b - Jump backwards to the start of a word

B - Jump backwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation)

ge - Jump backwards to the end of a word

gE - Jump backwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation)

% - Move cursor to matching character (default supported pairs: (), {}, [] - use :h matchpairs in Vim for more info)

0 - Jump to the start of the line

_ - Jump to the first non-blank character of the line

$ - Jump to the end of the line

g_ - Jump to the last non-blank character of the line

gg - Go to the first line of the document

G - Go to the last line of the document

5gg or 5G - Go to line 5

gd - Move to local declaration

gD - Move to global declaration

fx - Jump to next occurrence of character x

tx - Jump to before next occurrence of character x

Fx - Jump to the previous occurrence of character x

Tx - Jump to after previous occurrence of character x

; - Repeat previous f, t, F or T movement

, - Repeat previous f, t, F or T movement, backwards

} - Jump to next paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)

{ - Jump to previous paragraph (or function/block, when editing code)

zz - Center cursor on screen

zt - Position cursor on top of the screen

zb - Position cursor on bottom of the screen

Ctrl + e - Move screen down one line (without moving cursor)

Ctrl + y - Move screen up one line (without moving cursor)

Ctrl + b - Move screen up one page (cursor to last line)

Ctrl + f - Move screen down one page (cursor to first line)

Ctrl + u - Move cursor and screen up 1/2 page

Ctrl + d - Move cursor and screen down 1/2 page

Tip: Prefix a cursor movement command with a number to repeat it. For example, 4j moves down 4 lines.

Insert Mode - Inserting / Appending Text

i - Insert before the cursor

I - Insert at the beginning of the line

a - Insert (append) after the cursor

A - Insert (append) at the end of the line

o - Append (open) a new line below the current line

O - Append (open) a new line above the current line

ea - Insert (append) at the end of the word

Ctrl + h - Delete the character before the cursor during insert mode

Ctrl + w - Delete word before the cursor during insert mode

Ctrl + j - Add a line break at the cursor position during insert mode

Ctrl + t - Indent (move right) line one shiftwidth during insert mode

Ctrl + d - De-indent (move left) line one shiftwidth during insert mode

Ctrl + n - Insert (auto-complete) next match before the cursor during insert mode

Ctrl + p - Insert (auto-complete) previous match before the cursor during insert mode

Ctrl + rx - Insert the contents of register x

Ctrl + ox - Temporarily enter normal mode to issue one normal-mode command x

Esc or Ctrl + c - Exit insert mode


r - Replace a single character

R - Replace more than one character, until ESC is pressed

J - Join line below to the current one with one space in between

gJ - Join line below to the current one without space in between

gwip - Reflow paragraph

g~ - Switch case up to motion

gu - Change to lowercase up to motion

gU - Change to uppercase up to motion

cc - Change (replace) entire line

c$ or C - Change (replace) to the end of the line

ciw - Change (replace) entire word

ci" or ci' - Change (replace) string in double quotes or quotes

cw or ce - Change (replace) to the end of the word

s - Delete character and substitute text

S - Delete line and substitute text (same as cc)

xp - Transpose two letters (delete and paste)

u - Undo

U - Restore (undo) last changed line

Ctrl + r - Redo

. - Repeat last command

Marking Text (Visual Mode)

v - Start visual mode, mark lines, then do a command (like y-yank)

V - Start linewise visual mode

o - Move to other end of marked area

Ctrl + v - Start visual block mode

O - Move to other corner of block

aw - Mark a word

ab - A block with ()

aB - A block with {}

at - A block with <> tags

ib - Inner block with ()

iB - Inner block with {}

it - Inner block with <> tags

i" - Inner block with double quotes

i' - Inner block with quotes

Esc or Ctrl + c - Exit visual mode

Tip: Instead of b or B one can also use ( or { respectively.

Visual Commands

> - Shift text right

< - Shift text left

y - Yank (copy) marked text

d - Delete marked text

~ - Switch case

u - Change marked text to lowercase

U - Change marked text to uppercase


:register - Show registers content

"xy - Paste contents of register x

"xp - Yank into register x

"+y - Yank into the system clipboard register

"+p - Paste from the system clipboard register

Tip: Registers are being stored in ~/.viminfo, and will be loaded again on next restart of vim. Special registers:

0 - Last yank

" - Unnamed register, last delete or yank

% - Current file name

# - Alternate file name

* - Clipboard contents (X11 primary)

+ - Clipboard contents (X11 clipboard)

/ - Last search pattern

: - Last command-line

. - Last inserted text

- - Last small (less than a line) delete

= - Expression register

_ - Black hole register

Marks and Positions

:marks - List of marks

ma - Set current position for mark a

`a - Jump to position of mark a

y`a - Yank text to position of mark a

`0 - Go to the position where Vim was previously exited

`" - Go to the position when last editing this file

`. - Go to the position of the last change in this file

`` - Go to the position before the last jump

:jumps - List of jumps

Ctrl + i - Go to newer position in jump list

Ctrl + o - Go to older position in jump list

:changes - List of changes

g, - Go to newer position in change list

g; - Go to older position in change list

Ctrl + ] - Jump to the tag under cursor

Tip: To jump to a mark you can either use a backtick (`) or an apostrophe ('). Using an apostrophe jumps to the beginning (first non-blank) of the line holding the mark.

A local mark is specific to a particular file and is indicated by a lowercase letter, while global marks are universal across all of your files and use uppercase letters. That is, many files can have an `a mark, while `A points to a particular location in one particular file.


qa - Record macro a

q - Stop recording macro

@a - Run macro a

@@ - Rerun last run macro


gc - Toggle comment for selection

gcc - Toggle comment for the current line


gs( or gs) - Surround selection with ()

gs{ or gs} - Surround selection with {}

gs[ or gs] - Surround selection with []

gs< or gs> - Surround selection with <>

gs" - Surround selection with ""

gs' - Surround selection with ''

gs` - Surround selection with ``

Cut and Paste

yy - Yank (copy) a line

2yy - Yank (copy) 2 lines

yw - Yank (copy) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word

yiw - Yank (copy) word under the cursor

yaw - Yank (copy) word under the cursor and the space after or before it

y$ or Y - Yank (copy) to end of line

p - Put (paste) the clipboard after cursor

P - Put (paste) before cursor

gp - Put (paste) the clipboard after cursor and leave cursor after the new text

gP - Put (paste) before cursor and leave cursor after the new text

dd - Delete (cut) a line

2dd - Delete (cut) 2 lines

dw - Delete (cut) the characters of the word from the cursor position to the start of the next word

diw - Delete (cut) word under the cursor

daw - Delete (cut) word under the cursor and the space after or before it

d$ or D - Delete (cut) to the end of the line

x - Delete (cut) character

:3,5d - Delete lines starting from 3 to 5

:g/{pattern}/d - Delete all lines containing pattern

:g!/{pattern}/d - Delete all lines not containing pattern

Tip: You can also use the following characters to specify the range:

:.,$d - From the current line to the end of the file

:.,1d - From the current line to the beginning of the file

:10,$d - From the 10th line to the beginning of the file

Indent Text

>> or > - Indent (move right) line one shiftwidth

<< or < - De-indent (move left) line one shiftwidth

>% - Indent a block with () or {} (cursor on brace)

<% - De-indent a block with () or {} (cursor on brace)

>ib - Indent inner block with ()

>at - Indent a block with <> tags

3== - Re-indent 3 lines

=% - Re-indent a block with () or {} (cursor on brace)

=iB - Re-indent inner block with {}

gg=G - Re-indent entire buffer

]p - Paste and adjust indent to current line

Move Text

Alt + j - Move line down

Alt + k - Move line up


:w - Write (save) the file, but don't exit

:w !sudo tee % - Write out the current file using sudo

:wq - Write (save) and quit

:x - Write (save) and quit

:q - Quit (fails if there are unsaved changes)

:q! or ZQ - Quit and throw away unsaved changes

:wqa - Write (save) and quit all

Search and Replace

/pattern - Search for pattern

?pattern - Search backward for pattern

\vpattern - Non-alphanumeric characters are interpreted as special regex symbols (no escaping needed)

n - Repeat search in same direction

N - Repeat search in opposite direction

:%s/old/new/g - Replace all old with new throughout file

:%s/old/new/gc - Replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations

:%s/old/new/gci - Replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations (case insensitive)

:%s/old/new/gcI - Replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations (case sensitive)

:noh or ESC - Remove highlighting of search matches

Space + rr - Replace in buffer

Space + rw - Replace in buffer (word)

Space + rR - Replace in quickfix list

Space + rW - Replace in quickfix list (word)

Tip: To replace a pattern for all files in the quickfix list the following command can be used: :cfdo %s/old/new/gcI | update. Items can be added to the quickfix list with Ctrl + q from the picker. To remove items from the quickfix list dd can be used.

Working with Multiple Files

:e[dit] file - Edit a file in a new buffer

:%!xxd - Switch to binary format for existing file

:bn[ext] or Tab - Go to the next buffer

:bp[revious] or Shift + Tab - Go to the previous buffer

:ls or :buffers - List all open buffers

:bd[elete] - Delete a buffer (close a file)

:b[uffer]# - Go to a buffer by index #

:b[uffer] file - Go to a buffer by file

:sp[lit] file - Open a file in a new buffer and split window

:vs[plit] file - Open a file in a new buffer and vertically split window

:vert[ical] ba[ll] - Edit all buffers as vertical windows

Ctrl + ws - Split window

Ctrl + wv - Split window vertically

Ctrl + ww - Switch windows

Ctrl + wq - Quit a window

Ctrl + wx - Exchange current window with next one

Ctrl + w= - Make all windows equal height & width

Ctrl + wh - Move cursor to the left window (vertical split)

Ctrl + wl - Move cursor to the right window (vertical split)

Ctrl + wj - Move cursor to the window below (horizontal split)

Ctrl + wk - Move cursor to the window above (horizontal split)

Ctrl + wH - Make current window full height at far left (leftmost vertical window)

Ctrl + wL - Make current window full height at far right (rightmost vertical window)

Ctrl + wJ - Make current window full width at the very bottom (bottommost horizontal window)

Ctrl + wK - Make current window full width at the very top (topmost horizontal window)

gt - Go to the next tab

gT - Go to the previous tab


zf - Manually define a fold up to motion

zd - Delete fold under the cursor

za - Toggle fold under the cursor

zo - Open fold under the cursor

zc - Close fold under the cursor

zr - Reduce (open) all folds by one level

zm - Fold more (close) all folds by one level

zi - Toggle folding functionality

]c - Jump to start of next change

[c - Jump to start of previous change

do or :diffg[et] - Obtain (get) difference (from other buffer)

dp or :diffpu[t] - Put difference (to other buffer)

:diffthis - Make current window part of diff

:dif[fupdate] - Update differences

:diffo[ff] - Switch off diff mode for current window

Tip: The commands for folding (e.g. za) operate on one level. To operate on all levels, use uppercase letters (e.g. zA). To view the differences of files, one can directly start Vim in diff mode by running vimdiff in a terminal. One can even set this as git difftool.



]c - Jump to next hunk

[c - Jump to previous hunk

Space + gss - Stage hunk

Space + gsr - Reset hunk

Space + gsS - Stage all hunks in current buffer

Space + gsR - Reset all hunk in current buffer

Space + gsu - Undo last hunk

Space + gsp - Preview hunk

Space + gsb - Git blame (short)

Space + gsB - Git blame (full)

Space + gsd - Toggle deleted

Space + gsq - Show hunks via quickfix list

Space + gsl - Show hunks via location list


Space + gdo - Open

Space + gdO - Open (HEAD)

Space + gdC - Close

Space + gdt - Toggle files

Space + gdf - Focus files

Space + gdhb - Branch history

Space + gdhf - File history

Tab - Open diff for the next file

Shift + Tab - Open diff for the previous file

Space + gdx - Cycle layout through available layouts

[x - Jump to previous conflict

]x - Jump to next conflict

Space + gdco - Choose the OURS version of a conflict

Space + gdct - Choose the THEIRS version of a conflict

Space + gdcb - Choose the BASE version of a conflict

Space + gdca - Choose all the versions of a conflict

Space + gdcx - Delete the conflict region

Snacks - Picker

Space + p - Command palette

Space + e - Explorer

Space + ff - Files

Space + fs - Search

Space + fb - Buffers

Space + f/ - Search buffers

Space + fr - Recent

Space + fR - Resume

Space + fu - Undo

Space + fk - Keymaps

Space + fm - Marks

Space + ft - Todo comments

Space + fq - Quickfix list

Space + fl - Location list

Space + fd - Buffer diagnostics

Space + fD - Workspace diagnostics

Space + fls - Buffer symbols

Space + flS - Workspace symbols

Space + flr - References

Space + fld - Definitions

Space + flD - Declarations

Space + fly - Type definitions

Space + fli - Implementations

Space + fgf - Git files

Space + fgb - Git branches

Space + fgl - Git log for (buffer)

Space + fgL - Git log for (workspace)

Space + fgs - Git status

Space + fgS - Git stash

/ - Toggle focus

Enter - Confirm

Down or Ctrl + j or Ctrl + n or j - List down

Up or Ctrl + k or Ctrl + p or k - List up

Ctrl + d - List scroll down

Ctrl + u - List scroll up

G - List bottom

gg - List top

Ctrl + Down - History forward

Ctrl + Up - History back

Tab - Select and next

Shift + Tab - Select and prev

Ctrl + a - Select all

Ctrl + b - Preview scroll up

Ctrl + f - Preview scroll down

Ctrl + g - Toggle live

Ctrl + q - Quickfix list

Ctrl + s - Edit split

Ctrl + v - Edit vsplit

Esc or Ctrl + c or q - Close

Snacks - Explorer

l - Confirm

h - Close directory

a - Add

d - Delete

r - Rename

c - Copy

m - Move

o - Open with system application

P - Toggle preview

u - Update

I - Toggle ignored

H - Toggle hidden

Z - Close all

y - Yank

s - Search in directory

S - Search in directory (case sensitive)

D - Diff selected files

Todo Comments

]t - Next todo comment

[t - Previous todo comment


Space + lr - Rename

Space + lca - Code actions

Space + lf - Format

Space + ll - Lint

Space + lq - Quickfix list

Space + lL - Location list

gd - Go to definition

gr - Go to references

gI - Go to implementation

gy - Go to type definition

gD - Go to declaration

K - Hover documentation

J - Hover diagnostics


aa - Select around parameter

ia - Select inside parameter

af - Select around function

if - Select inside function

ac - Select around class

ic - Select inside class

al - Select around loop

il - Select inside loop

ab - Select around block

ib - Select inside block

]f - Go to Next Start Function

]c - Go to Next Start Class

]l - Go to Next Start Loop

]b - Go to Next Start Block

]F - Go to Next End Function

]C - Go to Next End Class

]L - Go to Next End Loop

]B - Go to Next End Block

[f - Go to Previous Start Function

[c - Go to Previous Start Class

[l - Go to Previous Start Loop

[b - Go to Previous Start Block

[F - Go to Previous End Function

[C - Go to Previous End Class

[L - Go to Previous End Loop

[B - Go to Previous End Block


Ctrl + Space - Show completions, show / hide documentation

Ctrl + e - Hide completions

Enter - Accept completion

Down - Select next completion

Up - Select previous completion

Ctrl + n - Select next completion

Ctrl + p - Select previous completion

Ctrl + f - Scroll down in documentation

Ctrl + b - Scroll up in documentation


Space + mm or Ctrl + n - Add cursor for next word

Space + mN - Add cursor for all words

Space + ms - Skip next word

Space + m + Down - Add cursor below

Space + m + Up - Add cursor above

Space + m + Left - Rotate cursor (next)

Space + m + Right - Rotate cursor (prev)

Space + mx - Delete cursor

Space + ma - Align cursors

Space + mS - Split cursors

Space + mM - Match cursors

Copilot Chat

Space + ca - Actions

Space + co - Open

Space + cc - Close

Space + ct - Toggle

Space + cr - Reset


The Vim Cheat Sheet is inspired by the Vim Cheat Sheet from rtorr.

The configuration for the plugins with the mentioned keymaps can be found in my personal dotfiles.
