

Yazi is a blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.



k or Up - Move the cursor up

j or Down - Move the cursor down

l or Right - Enter hovered directory

h or Left - Leave the current directory and into its parent

K - Seek up 5 units in the preview

J - Seek down 5 units in the preview

gg - Move cursor to the top

G - Move cursor to the bottom

z - Jump to a directory using zoxide

Z - Jump to a directory or reveal a file using fzf

File Operations

o - Open selected files

O - Open selected files interactively

Enter - Open selected files

Shift + Enter - Open selected files interactively (some terminals don't support it yet)

Tab - Show the file information

y - Yank selected files (copy)

x - Yank selected files (cut)

p - Paste yanked files

P - Paste yanked files (overwrite if the destination exists)

Y or X - Cancel the yank status

d - Trash selected files

D - Permanently delete selected files

a - Create a file (ends with / for directories)

r - Rename selected file(s)

. - Toggle the visibility of hidden files

; - Run a shell command

: - Run a shell command (block until finishes)

- - Symlink the absolute path of yanked files

_ - Symlink the relative path of yanked files

Ctrl + - - Hardlink yanked files


Space - Toggle selection of hovered file/directory

v - Enter visual mode (selection mode)

V - Enter visual mode (unset mode)

Ctrl + a - Select all files

Ctrl + r - Inverse selection of all files

Esc - Cancel selection

Copy Paths

cc - Copy the file path

cd - Copy the directory path

cf - Copy the filename

cn - Copy the filename without extension

Filter Files

f - Filter files

Find Files

/ - Find next file

? - Find previous file

n - Go to the next found

N - Go to the previous found

Search Files

s - Search files by name using fd

S - Search files by content using ripgrep

Ctrl + s - Cancel the ongoing search


,m - Sort by modified time

,M - Sort by modified time (reverse)

,b - Sort by birth time

,B - Sort by birth time (reverse)

,e - Sort by file extension

,E - Sort by file extension (reverse)

,a - Sort alphabetically

,A - Sort alphabetically (reverse)

,n - Sort naturally

,N - Sort naturally (reverse)

,s - Sort by size

,S - Sort by size (reverse)

,r - Sort randomly


t - Create a new tab with CWD

0 or ... or 9 - Switch to the n-th tab

[ - Switch to the previous tab

] - Switch to the next tab

{ - Swap current tab with previous tab

} - Swap current tab with next tab

Ctrl + c - Close the current tab